Fanatical Platinum Collection: Build your own Bundle(2024年4月)
Epic Games StoreでEscape Academyが無料配布中
Epic Games StoreでInvincible Presents: Atom EveとKardboard Kingsが無料配布中
Prime GamingでEpic Games Store版Borderlands 2が無料配布中
SteamでThe Sims 4 Backyard Stuffが無料配布中
Epic Games StoreでKingdom Come: Deliveranceが無料配布中
Prime GamingでGOG版Spells & Secretsが無料配布中
Prime GamingでGOG版Call of Juarez: Bound in Bloodが無料配布中
Prime GamingでGOG版South of the Circleが無料配布中
Epic Games StoreでWizard of Legendが無料配布中
Amazon プライムデー2024の日程発表&スタンプラリーがスタート
Epic Games Storeでモバイルアプリ版STAR WARS Knights of the Old RepublicとSTAR WARS Knights of the Old Republic II – The Sith Lordsが無料配布中
Epic Games StoreでKILL KNIGHTが無料配布中
Prime GamingでGOG版The Outer Worldsが無料配布中
IndieGalaでShinobi Shiftが無料配布中